Gather Stardust at the Beach
Fascinating fact: The composition of the earth's crust includes meteor particles that have collided with our planet every day since its creation, leaving a surprising amount of debris on our planet's surface. It’s possible to collect a few of these meteor bits because they are composed of nickel and iron, substances attracted to a magnet, and a sandy beach is one of the best places to find them.
What you will need:
Strong magnet (available at hardware stores)
2 plastic sandwich size bags
Magnifying glass
Place the magnet in one of the plastic bags and drag it through dry sand at the beach. You will collect an amazing amount of what looks like black salt. Turn the bag inside out and rub the bits from the magnet into the bag. Place the magnet in the second bag and repeat. Look at the bits with the magnifying glass. Around twenty per cent of these pieces are tiny fragments of meteorites. Stardust in your hand!