PVC Pipe Structures
The best kind of projects are those without a ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ way of doing things. When a child is allowed to manipulate materials according to an inner recipe, the results will build confidence, boost creativity, and increase problem solving skills. PVC pipe and the fittings are an inexpensive medium for kids to create on a grand scale outdoors, picture a giant tinker toy set. Provide a variety of pipe lengths, or even better let the kids cut their own. Add fittings to join the pieces together.
What you will need:
PVC pipe (1/2” or 1” is a good size. Be sure to buy enough! Start with at least 50’)
hack saw or a wire saw
pipe fittings for the selected pipes including 4-way, 3-way, T, and L
Let the kids saw the pipe into desired lengths with the hack saw or wire saw. Place the fittings in a box and have your child place the pipe pieces into the fittings. She will soon learn to select the right angle and number of fittings to reproduce the idea in her head.